
Showing posts from January, 2017


I keep myself occupied in mobile, So the memories of my past, Won't haunt me. I keep going through Facebook, So that my loneliness, Won't taunt me. I keep funny videos running, So that the darkness around, Won't daunt me. I step carefully around risks, So that any failures, Won't gaunt me. I keep myself hidden in crowds, So that those who know me, Won't flaunt me. Deceptions by denials and dread, Trying to make true, What can't be. © Abdullah bin Khurram 2017

Another Half an Hour

HOUSE JOB DIARIES:       The story of a baby that suffered at the hands of the system, because she           was unable to afford expensive hospitals (A True Story, but fictional names) She had been lying on the bed of Paediatric ICU for hours, gasping, each breath coming in rales. Her mother, looking on at her wide eyes and flared nostrils, feeling as helpless as a snared rabbit, had already exhausted her lacrimal glands. The ICU was too filled with patients for the pair of House Officers to spare her more than a glance. One house officer once came by. He looked at the file. She was admitted last night. Her breathing was noted to become gradually difficult. She had also had fever and coughing. It was a pneumonia case. He had seen too many succumb to this ailment. This would likely be another one of the many. ' Well, who's counting, anyway ' he thought heaving a sigh. He checked the oxygen, and the medication list, and moved on. The mother's eyes fol

Reigns and Chains

Reigns and Chains [Wrote it for my college magazine about 2 years back. They never published it. Guess blogger has no problems with it :)  Only for muslims with deep understanding of religion] Tahir: Assalam-o-AlaikumwaRehmatullah bro… How are ya? Salman: Wa-alaikumusSalaamwaRehmatullahiwaBaraaktuh. I’m fine, Alhamdulilllah. U? Tahir: Me too, Alhamdulillah. (They smile at each other for a while; a relaxed calm look in both their eyes) Salman: let us find a place to sit somewhere. (He grabs Tahir’s hand, who follows effortlessly) (Both are sitting cross legged on the tiled floor) Salman: So, how are you? Tahir: (his smile spreads and bows his head) Not doing so well… you? Salman: (simply) Alhamdulillah! Tahir: Great… (They remain silent for a while) Salman: How’s it going? Tahir: Ah! The same routine essentially… (Silence) Salman: (Throwing Tahir a calculating look). How is your comrade? Tahir: That , my friend, is the real problem